Dr. Sophia da Silva-Oolup 2002 - 2006

I entered Birchmount’s Exceptional Athlete Program (BEAP) as a volleyball player in the fall of 2002. During my time in the program I was exposed to specialized training, the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and most importantly the role of anatomy and physiology in our everyday lives. The specialized BEAP training I received helped develop my athletic abilities and allowed me to participate on numerous sports teams including rugby. I went on to play for the Balmy Beach Women’s Rugby Team for ten years. Even though I have hung up my boots; I continue to stay involved in rugby through coaching and as a head medical trainer providing care to athletes; some of them are even BEAP alumni. 

Upon graduating from BEAP, I completed a kinesiology degree at McMaster University. It was BEAP that opened my eyes to the world of kinesiology and eventually lead me to the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College where I completed my chiropractic degree. Not only did BEAP teach me the fundamentals of training but also important life skills such as communication, time management and working with others. I feel the development of these skills helped shape me into the person I am today. 

I continue to enjoy leading a healthy lifestyle and staying active. In my clinical practice, I highlight the importance of physical activity to my patients and even use some of the basic exercises that I learned initially in BEAP. 

BEAP will undoubtedly make you a better athlete but I think it is also important to keep in mind the other life skills you will develop that can help you in your future endeavours as an athlete, a student or your career.