Danny Assimakopoulos - Soccer

Entering my first year at Birchmount I was not the fastest, I was not the strongest, and I was definitely not someone who stood out in a school full of high-level athletes. But what I did have, was the chance to take advantage of all the resources that BEAP has to offer. BEAP put me in an environment where I was able to compete and push myself in workouts with other young athletes. This competitive environment pushed me and gave me the opportunity to learn from not only my teachers, but my fellow athletes. BEAP has taught me that training and working out is only a fraction of what is required to be a successful athlete. Over the past two years I have learned the importance of an overall healthy lifestyle. Whether it be sleep, nutrition, or recovery, BEAP has taught me there are many different aspects to being a top-level athlete.

BEAP has made my high school experience unique and rewarding. In every other class you are judged primarily on grade performance. BEAP gives me an opportunity to see past all that and focus on personal growth. Whether it be in the weight room, on the field, or during athletic testing weeks; I always see progression as well as room to improve. The fact that I go to school every day in an environment where I am supported by my teachers and peers, as well as given amazing opportunities to grow, is why the BEAP program is so special. The teachers are so dedicated and truly care about each and every student. Being in BEAP has, and will continue to be a major privilege.