Alex Pourmatin - Ice Hockey

The BEAP program is very special to me because it has helped me grow as a person and an athlete. The teachers have taught me respect, empathy, and that my parents are just one call away. BEAP has helped me achieve my athletic goals by giving me specific workouts to help the right muscle groups for my sports. I play for the North Toronto AA hockey team and we are top 10 in the province. I play a year up, and would never have made that team without the BEAP training. I also play on the school Varsity football team where I start and play free and strong safety. It was only my 2nd year of playing football, and I was in the starting lineup with Grade 11s and 12s. But with the intense training of BEAP, I excelled and became the best player I could be during the season. 

My future goals are to become a lawyer or a geologist, and I would like to play football for whichever university I attend. I also want to continue with the workouts I have learned in BEAP to keep up a high level of fitness for the rest of my life. I can achieve all of this because I have a lot of support from all of my friends in the program and all of the teachers pushing me to achieve and become the best athlete and student I can be. 

BEAP has made my high school experience much better. I came to Birchmount knowing barely anyone, but BEAP gave me a little family where I have a lot of close friends and I am very close to the teachers who have helped shape me into the person I am today. The program has also made me a lot stronger and feel more confident about my body. Overall, BEAP has been an awesome experience and I can’t wait for the years to come.