Curtis Carmichael 2007 - 2011

As a former CFL prospect and Cross-Canada cyclist BEAP played an important role in where I am today. By providing the necessary environment I needed to develop as a student athlete BEAP gave me the opportunity to channel my hunger for competition and individual growth. As a result, I received an academic & football scholarship to Queen’s University. After finishing my football career as a Wide Receiver, I left my pursuit of the CFL in exchange for my focus on education and activism. Next, I received a Bachelor of Education in Technology from UOIT and started a grassroots movement cycling across Canada. As I cycled across the country to challenge Canadians on their perceptions of racialized youth growing up in marginalized communities I held onto the most important take away from my BEAP career. When you cannot physically continue your mental toughness will be the factor to pull you forward. Looking back on my high school experience I could proudly say BEAP was the main reason I looked forward to attending school every day. 

Now as an educator, speaker, and community organizer my goals are to equip people across all demographics to take control of their lives and their communities, through greater self-awareness and social responsibility. In my current career I have received many opportunities to deliver presentations across Canada and have received several awards including the USPORTS National Russ Jackson Award -the highest honour given to a Canadian football player who best exemplifies the attributes of academic achievement, football skill and citizenship. In the near future I will continue teaching and speaking across Canada while showing my documentary film Ride for Promise which covers my experience of cycling across Canada after hanging up my football cleats for the final time.  Thank you to BEAP for the good memories and for the necessary tools to excel in sport at the next level.