TCDSB Equity Initiative


BEA would like to share a final wrap up video of the events that took place during February and pass on some info about Black Mental Health week.   

 Black Joy: A Celebration of Black Excellence 

Heritage Celebrations

Tamil Canadian Heritage Month Event - CelebratingROOTS - 8.5x11 - 2024.pdf


International Women's Day on Wednesday, March 8, 2023. The Government of Canada’s theme for International Women’s Day 2023 is Every Woman Counts. It is a reminder that all women, from all ages and walks of life, have a place in every aspect of Canadian society, including in the economic, social and democratic spheres. 

Learn more about inspiring Canadian women and gender equality in Canada:

a. Explore the Women of Impact in Canada gallery

b. Women in Canadian History: A Timeline showcasing the achievements of Canadian women in various fields such as politics, sciences, and the arts.

c. Consult the Gender equality timeline for an overview of gender equality milestones in Canada.

d. Watch Heritage Minutes videos on inspiring Canadian women.

Explore and learn about International Women's Day MISSIONS to help forge a gender equal world. Celebrate women's achievements and increasing visibility, while calling out inequality.

United Nations [Explore the many stories of women as agents of change.]

International Women's Day Tool Kit [The Tool Kit offers discussion topics, research projects, activities and additional resources to engage and spark conversations.]

Canadian Museum for Human Rights [Five women all Canadians should know.]