Supports in school


Greetings new and returning FLCHS students! 

Below you will find members of FLCHS that will help in your social/emotional, spiritual and academic journey.

Click on picture icons to learn more


COMPLETED Guidance Page Introductions
Easing in High School Choice Board

Caring Adults at FLCHS: Administrative TEAM. department heads & School based support 

Principal: Mr. Piccolo / Vice Principal Alpha A-K: Ms. Nika / Vice Principal Alpha L-Z: Ms. Sosniak / Head Secretary: Ms. Fernandes / Attendance Secretary: Ms. Liu /Guidance Secretary: Ms. Barber / Student Supervisor: Ms. Cardinale / Librarian: C. Howe/ Special Education Department Head: Dept Head: C. Peacock/ Teacher Chaplains: C.Molloy & Father Obinna/ CYW: S. Faught/Guidance Teacher: Ms. D'Souza/Guidance Department Head: Ms. De Rose

Caring Adults at FLCHS


Department Head

D. Mastrullo

Guidance and Career Studies 

Department Head

D. De Rose

Mathematics, Business & Computer Studies 

Department Head

M. Mikhail

Science & Arts & Technological Education 

Department Head

L. Joseph

Social Sciences & Humanities 

Department Head

S. Iacobacci

Special Education 

Department Head

C. Peacock

Religion Department Head

C. Molloy

Physical Education & Athletic Director

Department Head

D. Otten



School Board Itinerant Support

Autism Support Team

Social Worker


Speech and Language Itinerant Support Teacher

Deaf and Hard of Hearing itinerant Support  Teacher