Zoomed Shoe

3 zoomed views

12" x 18"

graphite on drawing paper

Zoomed Shoe

acrylic paint on canvas

The main idea that Guided my artwork was to create 3 zoomed views of a shoe then choose my favorite and make one big artwork. I didn't know what I wanted to do at first, I looked at it from different angles but I still couldn't tell what to draw, I drew the sky first, and as I was doing I had an Idea of what to draw next. In the beginning, I wasn't sure what to draw but ideas came to me at the moment so I went with them.

The materials I used for this artwork were a 2H pencil, blue tape, and acrylic paint. I started off by taping my edges with blue tape which helped protect the border with paint. After I went in with a 2 HB pencil and lightly sketched an outline of my zoomed show, then I started painting the sky with 2 different pinks. When I finished painting the sky I moved on to the grass, I also used 2 different greens to make it seem more like grass but it still looked bland so I added some flowers to make it brighter, then I had to mix black and white for the building and yellow for the windows, lastly I used 2 different blues for the water.

I think the hardest part for me was painting the clouds and the 3 zooms of the shoes. At first, I wanted the clouds to be neat and look like perfect clouds but once I did 2 clouds I didn't like them as much as I thought I was going to, so I decided to make them look more fluffy by dabbing my paintbrush randomly around the clouds and I ended up like them more like that. I also had a hard time drawing the 3 zoomed shoes, I found it difficult to make the size accurate after zooming in on the shoe each time. Another part found challenging was finding out what to do with the shoelace, it was the last thing I painted because I didn't know what to paint it so after I finished painting the house, sky, and grass I had to look at the shoelace for a while then I randomly came up with drawing a rope.