Assemblage Sculpture 

Idea Sketches 

Armature Newsprint & Tape 

Final Sculpture 

The main idea that guided this artwork was to create a sculpture inspired by any object you wanted. For mine, I chose a jellyfish  My idea before that was to create a sculpture of a mannequin body but that would've taken too long and it was a bit hard to figure out how. 

The materials I used for this artwork were paper, tape, glue, and wire. I started out with paper and tape for the top and then placed the wires where I wanted them and started putting the glue and water-covered paper around the top. I ended up putting tissue paper in the middle for a more finished look. 

I originally was going to just put the wires as the stingers and leave it but it felt empty and it felt like it was still missing something so  I used tissue paper in the middle to give it a more jellyfish look.