Art History Inspired

Cloudy ocean

Acrylic paint on canvas

The main Idea that guided my artwork was to take two artists and make an artwork that's based on those two artists. For me, I choose Rene Magritte and Claude Monet, Rene uses a lot of clouds in his artwork so I decided to add clouds to my project and for Monet he painted a lot of landscapes so I Decided to make an ocean for my landscape.

The material I used for this artwork was acrylic paint on canvas. I first painted the base layers, I mixed the blues with white to make different shades of blue and after the base layer I started with my ocean, I started with the darkest shade of blue to make the outlines of the wave and I used brighter shades to make the waves pop more. then after I finished making the waves I took white paint and made the clouds.

At first, I was going to paint a sunny day and a field of flowers but as I was painting the sky I flipped my upside down (dark blue was originally on top) and it kind of looked like an ocean so I decided to paint the rest of the canvas blue and after I started with the waves, I was a bit nervous for this part since I don't really know how to paint water but I just kept adding different shades of blue and it turned out better than what I was expecting. When I finished everything and let it draw I took mod podge and did a clear coat to give the painting a shiny look.