Foundations of Art 

I think some of my strengths and weaknesses as a learner are shown through my artwork by showing my creativity I think the more projects we did the more ideas I got and I’ve definitely become more creative when it comes to art. A weakness is that for art I procrastinated a lot so some of my work could have been better if I took time to do it and not rushed through it, my time management wasn't also the best, the same thing with procrastination I could've used my time better to get my art projects done. 

I think that my work shows how I've improved from how my artwork was at the beginning of the year to now. In the beginning, I wasn’t good at making my art more realistic and even though I still need work on drawing more realistically, I think I’ve definitely improved by doing art projects like Candy Still Life, Mixed Media Drawing, Duck Stamp, and Pure Contour. I think I also improved by learning new art techniques like linoleum printing, I’ve done it before but I didn’t know how to use the carving tools or how to transfer a picture to the EZ cut block but art taught me how and I ended up very happy with how my carved block looked and I had a really fun time with the art project. 

For me, I had a lot of art projects that I found quite difficult like the graphite self-portrait, media drawing, scratchboard, duck stamp, and color design. Out of all of those artworks, I think the most challenging project was the color design self-portrait because they both required a lot of time, especially color design because you have to make 84 different colors by mixing paints together, it took me a while to come up with my design. I kept changing my mind about what I wanted to do and every time we had class time to work on it, I would leave mine at home so I missed a lot of work hours at school. Actually, starting the process of painting 84 colors was very time-consuming so due to my bad time management and how long this project took I wasn’t able to finish and the results weren’t what I wanted. I also was not able to finish my self-portrait because of my bad time management and the amount of time we had to work on it just working on the hair itself took 1-2 hours because  I wanted it to look perfect. 

I have a lot of art projects that I made this year that I’m proud of, for example, extended blind contour, candy still life, pure contour, mixed media, sgraffito, and linoleum prints. I’m most proud of my extended blind contour and candy still life/pure contour because, for the extended blind contour, I won a silver key for the scholastic contest, it was very surprising because I liked the artwork but it wasn’t my favorite and I wasn’t originally doing to turn it into scholastic but Mrs. Medsker suggested that I did and I won a key, so I am very proud of that art project. I'm also proud of my candy still life/pure contour because they were my first two art projects that looked somewhat realistic and going into those two projects I wasn’t the most confident about how it would turn out but I was very happy with the end results. 

Looking back at the beginning of the school year I went into foundations of art thinking that it was going to be easy and that was not the case but taking this art class gave me some good new art skills that I want to use in the future like Linoleum printing. In the future, I will definitely use linoleum printing on my clothes and lots of random stuff. My artistic goal for the future is to just paint and draw more, I'm still figuring out what I'm best at when it comes to art so I want to draw and explore more until I find my signature art style. I also want to improve drawing more realistically, I want to be able to draw people and draw from different perspectives like side profiles, upwards, and downwards.