Mixed Media Drawing

Value Strips

4" x 10"

charcoal and ink on copy paper


18" x 24"

charcoal and ink on pastel paper

The main that guided my artwork was to make a portrait of something, it could be yourself, a pet, a portrait of someone else, or anything you wanted using charcoal and ink. For mine, I decided to draw a portrait of my friend's dog when he was a baby.

The materials I used for this artwork were charcoal and ink on pastel paper, I started off by using black charcoal to do the background then I went in with white charcoal since the dog was mostly white. I went back and forth with the black and white charcoal. For the eyes, I used a white ink pen to add highlights to his eyes.

At first, I was worried that this project was going to be too hard and it wasn't going to turn out like the picture at all but because I grid my reference photo it was easy to just copy down each box. I actually enjoy drawing this portrait even though it took me a while I just put some music on and worked, there were times were it was a bit frustrating but I got over those problems and continued to work. My favorite part of this drawing is the eyes I think they look somewhat realistic.