Linoleum Prints 

Solid Color 


Unique Surface 

hand Colored

Idea Generation sketches 


graphite and sharpie on drawing paper 

Carved Block

4"x 6" 

EZ cut block 

The main Idea that Guided my artwork was to use an EZ cut block and carve a design on it. I knew I wanted to make a flower so I came up with two different flowers and I decided to go with a Hawaiian flower.

The materials I used for this artwork were Ink and paper. I started with a sketch and after I went over It with a 6B pencil on top of my EZ cut block, then I started carving. When I was done carving I started to Print on paper, I made a print with black ink, Blue and green, and one with fabric paint on a white shirt.

While I was trying to do the multi-colored one I struggled with masking I didn't really know what to do, every time I put the paper on the parts I wanted to be green it would just move as soon as I put the paper on. I also struggled with the Unique surface one, since my unique surface was a shirt I only had one try to get it right and since I wasn't good with masking I decided to just paint the fabric paint onto my block and then print on my shirt, I had to do it multiple time because the ink was so thin and after the third time I misplaced it but I ended up with going over it with a paintbrush I also had to go over some spots with white because I got paint places they weren't supposed to be.