Linoleum Prints

The main idea of this project was to make 4 different kinds of linoleum print. One regular, one multicolor, one non-traditional, and one extended. I think that I did a good job achieving this goal. I have all four prints and they are done well. I also have my deding, sketch, and all failed attempts turned in as well.

For this project I used a linoleum block, a carving tool, black and green ink, an ink roller, and sharpie. I also used regular paper and paper towels for my prints.

I started my creating a design to carve into my block. Then, I used carving utensils to carve that design onto my block. After that I began printing by rolling ink onto the block and pressing a piece of paper on top of it. For the non-traditional print I printed my design on a paper towel. For the multicolor print a made a green background using the ink roller directly and then printed onto it. FInally, for my extended print I took a failed design and added sharpie to it.