Foundations of Art

One way that my work illustrates my strengths and weaknesses as a learner is through the projects that had less personal choice and came out better. For example, three of my best works are my realistic self-portrait, the linear perspective, and the color design. These projects all had clear goals that I could achieve, which I think was very helpful for me. The only other work that measured up to these was the scratchboard, which was also based on a preexisting image/

One way that my work shows how I have improved is that my more recent works are more cohesive and look nicer. For example, the difference between my self-portrait from the time capsule and the realistic self-portrait is very noticeable. I think that my scratchboard project also shows how I have improved in using non-traditional materials. Finally, my newer pieces generally have more meaning and inspiration than my old ones. Instead of doing something random, I usually have a goal in mind before I begin a project.

The most challenging project of the year was the wire sculpture. I never figured out how to make the fishhook connections stay stiff. There were very few connections in the end and they weren't very stable. Even though I came in for multiple advisories and study halls I still couldn’t figure it out. I’m not very good with physical work so it's not surprising, although it's still disappointing.

The project that I am the proudest of is the color design project. In this project, I was tasked with compiling a painting using 84 individual colors. I decided to paint a mountain landscape inspired by the sugarloaf logo. Some of the reasons that I am proud of this project are because it has very nice contrast, straight lines of color, and has very little black and white area. The main reason that I like this piece is because of how it all comes together. I personally think that it looks really nice.

I don’t have many artistic goals for my future. I’m not planning on taking any more regular art classes like 2d design or doing art in my free time. I have considered taking AP art history in junior year, although I haven't decided yet. Other than that I don’t have any artistic goals for the summer or my future.