Beautiful Oops

Paint Steps

Colored pencils and graphite.

9" x 12"

The main idea of my piece is that mistakes happen. I felt that this is a very fitting theme because of the project, so I incorporated it into my piece. I showed this by having the piece be mostly black and white with the black parts being part of the character's mistake of spilling and walking through the paint. I made the background cracked to show that the world itself isn't perfect.

I made this piece using primarily colored pencil but also graphite. For the drawn foot steps, the puddle of paint, and the foot I used colored pencils. I used graphite for outlining and for the tile background.

Originally the dots of paint reminded me of bigfoot footprints. I was going to have it be a picture of bigfoot stepping in paint, but I couldn't figure out a way to communicate that to the viewer, so I scrapped bigfoot. As I drew it I felt that with only footsteps on a white background it looked too blank. This caused me to make tiling on the background of the picture. In the end, I felt that my picture of a man making paint steps on a white tile floor looked good, and incorporated what I wanted to.