Foundations of art

Reflection of foundations of art at FHS:

Foundations of Art have taught me a lot of good skills throughout the year. It has taught me to use a wide range of materials and techniques. Throughout the year we have done many projects that have caused me to realize what I'm good and what I'm not. My work illustrates my strengths and weaknesses as a learner in ways such as me focusing on projects I'm better at than others and putting more effort into the projects that I'm more interested in.

A lot of my work has improved throughout the year. From the first project that we did to the last project, I can see major improvement. I have learned techniques and habits in the art room that has caused my art to become better. There are a few works in particular that I think really show my improvements, such as Surrealism and the duck stamp.

There have been many challenging projects for me though. One of them was the mixed media project. That project was very difficult for me because I didn't have much patience when it came to using charcoal. The charcoal was very smudgy and hard to work with for me. it was very difficult to make it realistic and honestly, it was quite frustrating not being able to get it right. The next project that was very difficult for me to create was the Wire sculpture project. This was also very frustrating for me because of the fact that I just couldn't get it right.

A few projects I am the most proud of are scratchboard, duck stamp, and zoomed shoe. I'm proud of all of these pieces for different reasons. I really like the scratchboard I made because it was my first time using that medium and I really liked the way the artwork came out. I enjoyed using the new tools, and it taught me to go with the flow because if you messed up it couldn't be fixed. The duck stamp I really enjoyed because it was more competition and I had some challenges with what I was painting. Having that competition factor made me more motivated to make it better. Painting so realistically was very challenging but it made the project fun for me. I did end up getting an honorable mention for what I created and that made me really proud of myself. The zoomed shoe was so fun for me to make because of how much freedom I had with the project. It was one of the earlier projects in the year and it was one of the first really creative ones and which made it really enjoyable  

I have plans to take more art classes over my years of high school and I really hope to improve more and more.