coil pot

The main idea for this pot was to create a pot out of clay coils. This allows for a solid structure of a pot using a different way of making it than a wheel or slabs. I also had to include some sort of carving into the pot. I knew I wanted to make a fun bright pot that I could use for plants or other things. 

I used clay and glaze 

The process of making this pot was fun to me. I first had to think of a few ideas of what I wanted to do and I knew I wanted to do something bright and floral. I started by rolling out a slab which then I used to create the base of my pot. I used one of the slip containers to create a circle on that slab which I would then use to build up my pot with coils. Next, I started to roll coils by hand and build them up by slipping and scoring. When I had my pot to the height I enjoyed, I next smoothed out all of the coils to create a nice looking pot. I carved off the bottom of the slab to have a circular bottom. Once the clay was leather hard I started to carve flowers and grass into the side of the pot. After that was done and all cleaned up I put it in the kilm for a bisque firing. Once that came out of the kilm I glazed it with yellow and orange and put it in the kilm for the second firing (glaze firing). Lastly it came out of the kilm all shiny and done.