Circle Design

Jelly Jelly Bo Belly 


Acrylic paint, Canvas paper

The main idea for this project was to create a piece of art with something resembling a circle or a dot. I had a lot of ideas for this project but I knew that I wanted to stick with a material that I'm used to using which is acrylic paint. I love painting and it comes easily to me. I also knew I wanted to do something ocean-themed because I love the ocean. So I went with jellyfish and bubbles. I have never painted bubbles before so I thought it would be something fun to try and I really like how it turned out.

The materials I used were acrylic paint and black canvas paper.

For the process of this artwork, I started with my three idea sketches and they all happened to be pretty similar, so I ended up just adding them all together to make this piece. I knew I wanted to use black canvas paper because it would make the jellyfish and the bubbles pop. I first sketched it out and then started painting the pink jellyfish, and then the rest of them. I lastly made all of the bubbles. I thought adding light pastel colors to the bubbles would make them look more reflective and I think it worked. Overall I love the concept of this project and I would totally do it again.