Surrealist Collage

Surrealism Collage

Cardstock and Magazine Clippings

AOC collage painting

Acrylic paint and paint pen on canvas

Artist Statement

The main idea that guided my artwork was the idea of making a collage, a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric onto a backing, and being able to recreate that collage or take pieces of it in order to create an acrylic painting. For my collage, I chose congresswoman AOC because I want to showcase powerful women. I decided to place flowers and bubbles around her to show the beauty, and a halo to show how I feel about her.

For this piece of art I used acrylic paint, paint pen, and foil on canvas

The process I went through while creating this art was once I had finished my collage, I sketched out what design I wanted. I knew I wanted to keep the flowers and halo and I then added the bubbles later on. Once sketched out, I first painted the background so that later on it was easier than trying to maneuver around my other paintings with the purple. Once the purple was done I painted the flowers on and added teh foil. I knew I wanted to add the foil to add a pop of color. Finally, I started painting AOC. I knew I didn't want to add facial features except her iconic red lip, so I just mixed the base shade and shadow shades. It took me a few class periods and three advisories to finish AOC and get the perfect colors but in the end i'm pretty proud of it. As a final touch, I added the bubbles around her to add her playful side.