Donate Life Design

Donate Life Design

9" by 12"

Colored Pencil and sharpie on Bristol Board Paper

Artist Statement

The main idea that guided this artwork was the donate life organization which works toward finding participants for tissue and organ donation. I wanted to make something with children or babies because people are more inclined emotionally to help others when children are involved.

The materials I used for this piece of art was sharpie and colored pencil on bristol board paper. I chose these because I wanted it to be fun colored and I feel like I have more experience with colored pencil. I used the sharpie for bold outlines so that they were easier to see.

The process I went through while creating this artwork was first deciding what I was going to use as a front image on the actual artwork. I had a few ideas, but in the end I chose the child with the teddy bear to pull at people's heart strings. I then created my outline of the child and the bear along with the words. I chose bright colors for the actual art so that it translated that fun young energy. I then outlined all my work and was done.