Foundations of Art

In my artwork, it illustrates my strengths and weaknesses as a learner. Examples of this are understanding what to do during the projects that we do in class, and taking in what I learn and putting it on the paper. It also shows my strengths of the efforts I put into my projects, and how I want to do a good job so I get a good grade on it. My weaknesses as a learner are paying attention to the small details, like small techniques that you teach us in class to make art work better. I have a hard time understanding them, and it catches my attention off guard. Another example is spending so much time on one part of the project that I have less time to work on the rest of it, and not all of my artwork shows, but some of it shows that a part of the work looks rushed.

The project I thought was the hardest/challenging was lino printmaking. This was because the cuts on the lino block had to be perfect so that ink didn’t get in places you didn’t want to have, and the placing down the blocks with ink on it was challenging because it had to be perfect, or it wouldn't look good, and also making sure that you didn’t smudge the ink, or get it on your fingers and the touching the border and having to remake it. Even though this project was challenging, I still overcome those challenges. The project that I'm most proud of is my space drawing. I am most proud of this is because it looks very complete, and it looks pretty good with the variety of different materials I used like the different types of markers, the different colors of markers, and the different tones of colored pencil. It looks good with how it all fitted together, and I also like how I made different tones of a blue for the ocean, and then blended those colors in together. It was also one of my neater artworks, like how its neat around the leaves, and the space in the leaves. I overall think that this project turned out the best, and to give it extra credit, its a golf hole, and I love golf.  

How my artwork shows improvement over the year is my techniques, and understanding with the materials that we use. For example, one of the projects that we did at the beginning of the year I colored a big part of the paper with colored pencil, and it turned out not so good, and you could see the lines of the pencil. But later on in different projects, I decided not to use a color pencil to color a big part of the paper, and I gained my knowledge and thought by realizing that using markers instead was more efficient and looked better because you couldn’t see every line and it didn’t looked scribbled, and it looked more put together, but I also learned the technique of coloring with color pencils, not to scribble them and to go in the same direction. My goals for art in the future, and the summer are to use my skills and techniques I have learned from this foundations of art class, and to use them in the future. I think they can be important skills that we learned, for future jobs that I might do. A goal for me is maybe potentially later in my high school career, to participate in another art class, and a goal for the summer is to pick up the colored pencils at least once.