Foundations Of Art

Final Essay

My experience with this class is that it was a very great experience to go through to learn different techniques to make art. I have learned how to make shadows and highlights. How to mix colors and make them lighter or darker. My work has shown improvement because at the beginning of the year I did not know how to draw. I have now learned many different techniques to draw different things like a portrait or the corner of a room. The most challenging project we had was the collage and painting for me. It was the most difficult because I made my collage pretty difficult and intricate. It was hard for me to get exact colors or really a color match. I am most proud of either my animal assemblage or my Covid-19 visual response.

I am most proud of these because I really took my time and I used my resources to make things look as real and awesome as I could. My work illustrates my strengths through how I make up things on the fly like my first couple ways to make the be hive stay on the branch did not work. I kept trying new things and eventually we got it on. Also how to get the branch to stay upright on the cardboard was a struggle. My work illustrates my weaknesses because I am no good at working under pressure or working with something that needs to be particularly neat. I am a person who just flows with the go (jiu jitsu phrase). I don’t like when I really need to focus on making my art neat.

Some tools and techniques we used this year was we learned how to make gelli prints, and how to mix paint colors. We learned how to stipple which is where you make many little dots to create an art work. We also learned how to blend oil and chalk pastels to make highlights and also pictures. I am very proud of all of my work that I have done over this year. I have changed the way I look at doing art and how I do it.