Heart Valve Model


Each group's task for this project was to construct a synthetic aortic valve to simulate the organ's structure and operation while applying all of our engineering knowledge and expertise. To begin with, we had to decide which materials we might employ to build the model. Rope, a balloon, a rubber band, and hot glue were the four items our group settled on. The Young's Modulus equation, a technique for calculating the ratio of stress to strain applied to the object, was used to test the effectiveness of the items after we made our selections. Using a stand and measurements, we evaluated each material. We then entered the information into a table to graph the data and choose the best materials to achieve our goal.

We had to actually build the model of the aortic valve for the second phase of the project. We had to construct a multilayer valve that responded to the application and removal of force by opening and closing. We created a number of prototypes to satisfy all the specifications, running into many obstacles in the process. After fixing our mistakes, we created the final model that is displayed in the following report (pictured left). We extensively reviewed and explained our findings for each project component in the reports.


(Part 3) Steps 1 and 2 - Heart valve modeling and material testing


This project went nicely overall. While working with my team to achieve the best results possible, I successfully displayed my teamwork and critical thinking skills. Both during our experiments with the materials we chose and during the creation of a model of the aortic valve, we ran into numerous problems. We have to use critical and creative thinking to find solutions to these issues. I participated in the brainstorming process when we were having trouble with the prototype's design. We had to continuously change the design because the components did not fit together properly to maximize the structure. It took considerable study and deliberation to come up with a workable solution to this. I also demonstrated my ability to work cooperatively by completing the task with my team. We collaborated frequently to broaden our perspectives on our work and contribute fresh ideas, even though we were each in charge of distinct areas of the project. My teammates replied to my suggestions for ideas by offering their own. This dynamic made our success possible.

I did show certain capabilities, but I could always do better at being a diligent learner and developing my leadership abilities. When I was on my team, I failed to exhibit the correct work ethic since I was not as disciplined as I should have been. I did provide the group with a lot of work and ideas, but I could have done so much sooner. I opted not to apply my time management techniques to this assignment, which might have hampered my overall contributions. This task is an example of how I've repeatedly struggled with leadership. Although I worked closely with my colleagues, I did not take the initiative to manage the project and firmly express my thoughts.