Capstone Step 4


We spent the last two weeks concentrating on Step 4 of our project, which comprised our thorough experiment, test plans/setup, and lab report on our findings. We have continued to practice time management, task delegation, and planning out every minute element of the final result as we work on the last stages of our Capstone project. We had some issues with the weight sensors because we discovered they were designed to support far more weight than we anticipated. 


Evidence of Work

website update


Overall, I felt I was effective with this assignment. I displayed character and collaborative abilities. I maintained a pleasant attitude throughout this section of the assignment and performed my work on time and quickly. My character was highlighted as I worked hard to ensure that our team was always in communication with one another and that we could arrange ourselves and our duties. I also worked well with them while remaining focused on the task at hand. We brainstormed and delegated our tasks while discussing our worries and feedback.

While I was competent in these areas, I was also prone to underdeveloped qualities such as creativity and leadership. I battled with my ability to be creative since I frequently stuck inside the constraints of a typical assignment rather than thinking outside the box and actually creating. I also delegated leadership to my other team members rather than charting my own course. Instead of doing whatever I was instructed, I could have worked harder to lead my group. Despite my lack of abilities, I was able to effectively finish this section of the Capstone project.