The Lobby Observer

What is the Lobby Observer?

The Lobby Observer is Westborough High School's online newspaper (  If you are interested in writing, broadcasting, podcasting, photojournalism, etc. please consider joining the Lobby-O staff! (You do not have to take Journalism courses to join; although taking at least Journalism I is encouraged.)  Hope to see you soon!

"Maximize the truth, minimize harm."
- Poynter Institute

"My favorite part about Lobby-O is the creative freedom and the aspect of collaboration... You grow relationships with both your classmates and Mrs. Stoker, while also getting to make an impact on your school by reporting on topics you find interesting!" Kiley Vallee '22

Days of meeting:

Wednesdays throughout the year (although we are flexible with our meetings)

Times of meeting:

Right after school

Place of meeting:


To join,  first sign up on Family ID & contact the advisors or any of the current staff to join.