What is Make-A-Wish Club?

Make-A-Wish is an amazing foundation driven by compassion and a shared goal of bringing joy to children with critical illnesses. We are hoping that through fundraising efforts and raising awareness within our school, we will be able to witness the transformative power of granting wishes to children in our local communities. This chapter will not only enrich the lives of the children we are going to help but will also instill each and every member with a deep sense of purpose and empathy. 

We are a chapter of a larger organization. Here is the link to their website, https://wish.org/

Prerequisites for joining:

Register in FamilyID

Restore hope with a wish!

Days of Meeting:

Every other Wednesday

Times of Meeting:

2:45 p.m.

Place of Meeting:


To join, first sign up on FamilyID & contact Ms. Freedman.