Creating a club page

Start advertising your club on Clubpedia!

So you've approved your club with administration and are ready to roll- congrats! Now you can submit an application to have your very own Clubpedia page created for you. Just one form can help you draw in more potential members and open up opportunities for collaboration. Here's how:

  1. Click the button at the bottom of this page. This will bring you to the Clubpedia application. Note that this link will only work with a Westborough Schools Gmail account.

  2. Ensure that any information you send is school appropriate, and any students mentioned or pictured has your permission to be added to the website. Note that your application will only be accepted if it is submitted with a Westborough Schools Gmail account.

  3. Your page should be completed within a week. Thanks for being a part of this project!

P.S. If you already have a page, and are just looking for a place to update it, click here!