Women's Football

Women's Football has become increasingly popular at QMC with students benefiting from access to our excellent 3G and fitness suite facilities as well as regular coaching.

The women's side competes against other college's in competitive matches as well as tournaments throughout the year. The opportunity to develop as a team and individual players throughout the college journey is the focus.


Training is provided by a FA qualified coach on a Wednesday afternoon 12:30-13:30 provided there is no fixture scheduled. Students will also have access to the college's fitness suite during college time and can pay a small fee to access this facility at any time they wish.


There are opportunities to play competitive fixtures against other Hampshire based colleges. The women's team enter tournaments throughout the year where available to give more opportunity for competitive football. Our college aims to provide as many fixtures to our women's programme as possible.

Other opportunities:

We have very good links to local women's teams to provide playing and coaching opportunities outside of college for students wishing to access these. We also have the potential for trips to take place and have guest speakers visit, such as companies providing trial opportunities for soccer scholarships in the USA.


£25 per year which includes transport, affiliation and referee fees.

Student View: Poppy Goffin

"You should Join the QMC Women's Football team as it is a great way to meet new people when first starting at college. You will become a better player technically and you will receive a better understanding of the game."

For further information, please contact:

Andrew Butler
