Parent Information



Students will identify an author’s purpose and claim, as well as the intended audience.



Students will draft an argumentative composition with appropriate structure and details.



I can represent the quotient of 3-digit whole numbers by one digit divisor.

I can  explain how to set up an equation to solve a division problem using the standard algorithm.

Social Studies

 Students can explain when, where, and why the Spanish built settlements and missions in Texas. Students can describe ways people have adapted to and modified their environments to meet their needs. 




I can explain the difference between weather and climate.

I can illustrate the water cycle and explain the role of the Sun in the water cycle.

Important Dates


11/06 Children's Book Week

11/10 Veterans Day Assembly 

11/13 Fall Book Fair

11/15 Progress reports go home

11/17 GMS

11/20-11/24 Thanksgiving Break


12/01.  GMS/CHOIR performance

12/02 PTO Breakfast with Santa

12/08 GMS

12/11 PTO Holiday Store (week)

12/15 GMS

12/20 Polar Express PJ day

12/21 GMS Holiday singalong/Holiday parties

12/22 through  01/05 Winter break

Important Information

The annual Veterans Day Assembly will be Friday, Nov. 10 at 8AM in the gym.  All Slaughter Wolfpack family Veterans are invited to attend. There will be refreshments for all guests in the Wolf Den immediately following the assembly.  Any Slaughter students who are involved in a scouting program are invited to participate in the assembly as part of the presentation of the colors. Students who want to participate, should arrive at 7:30 in their scouting uniform, and meet with Mrs. Heather McEnroe in the gym to learn how to carry the flags.

Our Fall Book Fair is coming up soon! Your kids are going to be so excited to read the many exciting books we will have available! We are looking for book fair volunteers. All volunteers will get $5 off a purchase of $20! Please sign up here: 

Every Friday, students are invited to donate $1 to Slaughter's Relay for Life team, to wear a hat to school.

The high schools in McKinney are teaming up with other McKinney schools and organizations to collect food items to feed families in need for the holidays. We're collecting the following items: canned corn, canned green beans, instant mashed potatoes, boxed Jello, instant gravy packets

Shop online to order Slaughter spirit wear:!/Slaughter-Wolfpack/c/58966733 

Visit the counselor's website for monthly guidance summaries, activities, and resources!

Reading and learning resources are available on the Slaughter Learning Commons website:

Websites to visit and bookmark: 


FBI Flyer Fall 2023.pdf
Online Book Fair.pdf

In the Community


Follow the  PTI on Facebook

Shop the new Wolfpack spirit wear:!/Slaughter-Wolfpack/c/58966733 

Slaughter Volunteer Recruiting.pdf

Reading Resources

Slaughter LC Infographic 2023.pdf


Check out the Counselor's website for monthly guidance summaries, activities, and resources!

3rd Grade Question of the Week on Flip: “What is one random act of kindness you can plan on doing this week?

HAC Mobile APP

  Learn more on the MISD website: