Printing and Scanning
How to Print
Mobility Print is a secure network print service for your iOS, Windows, macOS, Android and Chrome devices. You will have to install the Mobility Print client on your personal computer or mobile device before printing.
If you are printing from a Smith computer, please go to our instructions for printing from a Smith library, lab, or classroom computer.
Printer Locations
Black/White Printer Locations
Seelye Hall Lower Level hallway (Basement)
Bass 100
Burton 220 and Third Floor Math Forum
Ford 243, 354 (North)
Ford 010, 110, 210, 310 (South)
McConnell 304
Neilson Library Ground Floor, First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor
Sabin-Reed 105, 206, 310, 414
Hillyer Art Library
Josten Performing Arts Library
Color Printer Locations
Seelye Hall Lower Level hallway (Basement)
Bass Hall 100
Ford 243
McConnell 304
Neilson Library Ground Floor and First Floor
Sabin-Reed 105
Hillyer Art Library
Josten Performing Arts Library
Scanner Location
Neilson Library Ground Floor and First Floor
Hillyer Art Library
Josten Performing Arts Library
Cost to Print/Scan
Black/White printers cost $.03/side.
Color printers cost $.20/side.
There is no charge for scanning documents.
Smith College Printing Stipend
What is the printing stipend? The printing stipend is a set amount given to Smith students every academic year to help cover the cost of printing.
How much is the stipend? Beginning in Fall 2022, students receive $35.
Who is eligible for the stipend? All Smith students.
What do I have to do to get the stipend? Nothing! The $35 is automatically loaded to your student account at the beginning of the academic year.
How do I check my balance? Students should go to and login with their Smith username and password.
Does the stipend roll over year to year? No. The amount will roll over from the fall to the spring semester, but anything left in your account at the end of the spring semester will not carry over into the summer or next fall.