What is God?

What is God? A myth? A dream? A hope? A force of vengeance for the right? A force for love and peace? A power in the sky above Who watches all we do? A myth we made to soothe our fears? To ease the pain of death? To give us hope of something more Than silence when we go? For me the Lord is everywhere, in everything I see. For me the Lord is in my heart, and gently speaks to me. I see the Lord in everyone, a bright and shining light, That makes of praying something more than pleading in the night. A glory from the human soul, that’s more than eyes can see. That draws me from my deep despair, that sets my spirit free. I can’t show my God to you, This whole of which we’re part. My words alone can’t say what’s true, Can’t say what’s in my heart, Can’t show you where to find that light, Can’t help you own eyes see, Can’t help you see the wrong from right, Can’t set your spirit free. You must find your God alone You must say what’s true. You must find Him on your own. To love the God in you.