Black Velvet

Dark clouds of black velvet Flow gently in indigo skies, Skies shading to rose at the shore, Where lights glow like diamonds Or chains of white pearls On waters where I can see more, Where I can see dancers dancing in starlight Dancing in blue satin gowns Dressed in black velvet Dressed in bright diamonds Dressed in their milky white pearls, Where I can see lovers Walking in gardens Of violets and sweet smelling rose Holding their flowers to Breasts in black velvet And knowing the glory of love Is worth more than bright diamonds More than those milky white pearls And find in touch of blue satin dresses And breasts in black velvet Remembrance of all that is good, Remembrance of beauty, Remembrance of laughter, Remembrance of all I have loved As clouds of black velvet Flow gently in indigo skies, Skies shading to rose at the shore, Where lights glow like diamonds Or chains of white pearls On waters where I can see more.