Blog Posts 4 and 5

As with most things in my class, there is no set deadline for the completions of these blog posts other than the end of the semester. However, I will be going through your blogs and entering grades for these posts on Friday, 11/30. Any 0s given are not permanent, just a reminder to complete the posts.

Blog Post 4: Writing Reflection

    1. Log into Google Drive and open your 'blog posts' Google doc that you have been copying and pasting blog posts from.
    2. Open up your Odyssey/Locke Humanities paper. Click 'File' -> 'Publish to the web'. Then click 'Start publishing.' Yes, you're sure you want to publish this document. Then, copy the 'Document link' NOT THE EMBED CODE and paste this link into your blog posts Google doc. You'll need it later. Click 'Close' on the menu still open on your Humanities paper.
      • HINT: If you're lost on how to do this, ask three people for help before you ask me. Yes, I will ask you which of your classmates you asked for help.

Content of Blog Post 4

    • Copy and paste a section of your Humanities paper that you are proud of - it can be any section of your paper - into your blog post. Explain to the readers of your blog what part of the paper they are reading. Then, write several sentences explaining why you are proud of this piece of your paper.
      • For example: looked a long time and found great evidence, went to office hours and got help with the topic sentences, rewrote this section of analysis five times and it turned out really well.
    • Below this, write, "My entire paper can be found here." Embed the link to your published to the web paper (you did this in direction #2 above) at the word 'here.'
      • HINT: You need to have copied the entire text of your blog post in your Google doc into a new blog post. Then, double click on the word 'here.' Look for the icon that says 'Link' at the top of your new post in Blogger.
      • HINT: If you're lost on how to do this, ask three people for help before you ask me. Yes, I will ask you which of your classmates you asked for help.
    • What was your planning process like? What in-class planning/writing time helped you? What out-of-class planning or writing time helped you? Why? Places to consider:
      • Classmates
      • Friends
      • Teachers
      • Office hours
      • Writing group
      • Parents/guardians/older siblings
    • How effective was each of the groups you utilized above? Which of these groups helped you make the best changes to your paper? Explain in 2-4 sentences.
    • For your next major assessment - your Humanities in-class final - what parts of your process will you keep the same? Explain in 2-4 sentences.
    • For your in-class Humanities final, what parts of your writing process will you change? What will those changes be? Explain why you will make those changes in 2-4 sentences.

Blog Post 5: D&R Test Reflection

Things You Should Know

  • Short answer test: a 0 is an F, a 1 = D, a 2 = C, a 3 = B, and a 4 = A.

Content of Blog Post 5

  • Look over the multiple choice questions you got correct. Now look at your answer below the question - where did you learn this information? Based on these responses, explain in 2-4 sentences how you should study for future history multiple choice tests.
  • Look over the multiple choice questions you got incorrect. Now look at your answer below the question - where did you think you learned this information? Based on these responses, explain in 2-4 sentences how you should NOT study for future history multiple choice tests.
  • Look over the short answer questions you did well on - say 3 or higher. Now look at your answer below the question - where did you learn this information? Based on these responses, explain in 2-4 sentences how you should study for future history short answer tests.
  • Look over the short answer questions you did less well on - say 2-3 or less. Now look at your answer below the question - where did you think you learned this information? Based on these responses, explain in 2-4 sentences how you should NOT study for future history short answer tests.