Creating A Blog

Guess what? You'll be blogging somewhat regularly for Press and I over the next two years. Guess what else? You'll need a blog in order to do this. Guess what the third time? We're going to use Blogger, a free blogging platform that comes with your Google account. Your first job today? Create a blog and submit your blog's address here. A couple tips/things you should know.

    • Your blog address is going to be publicly displayed and publicized. Check this part of my website - what do you think will go here? Make sure your blog title is appropriate.
    • Stuck on a title? Think of a combination with your name, your graduation year, and HHS in it. That should help.
    • Want help creating your blog - where to go to find Blogger, what to click, etc? Check out the video below.
    • Don't forget to complete this Google form to get points for creating your blog.