Final #20time Reflection

It's that time - the end of the year, and the end of the time you'll have in class to work on your #20time project.

Yup, you guessed it: it is REFLECTION TIME!

Here's how the reflection is going to go down: you'll be uploading a video of you answering the questions below to YouTube. You can do this using the the webcam on the class Chromebooks. Obviously, write a script on a Google doc and be thoughtful as you do this. If you're super ninja (or if you ask me or one of your classmates), you'll figure out how to have your script up in front of you as you read your reflection.

Once your reflection is done, please submit the URL for your video here. The reflection needs to be done by May 14 (periods 1 and 5) or May 15 (period 2).

The questions I'd like you to ponder are below. Feel free to copy and paste them into a Google doc if that will help.

    1. What did you intend to accomplish with your #20time project?
    2. What group did you intend to have a positive impact on with your #20time project?
    3. Go back to your initial #20time project proposal from September. Did your project unfold as you expected it to? Or did you make changes to the project along the way?
    4. What roadblocks did you run into? What were the areas of the project that were more difficult than you expected them to be?
    5. How did you solve roadblocks that you ran into? What did you learn from solving these roadblocks?
    6. What areas of the project were easier than you expected?
    7. Would you consider your project a success? A failure? Somewhere in between? Explain your answer.
    8. Are you proud of the work you did during #20time this year? Explain your answer.
    9. What advice would you have for teachers who are doing #20time projects in the future? What would you tell them that would make the project go more smoothly or more successfully?
    10. What advice would you have for students who are doing a #20time project in the future? What would you tell them that would make the project go more smoothly or more successfully?
    11. Last one: will you continue to learn about or work on the topic you spent the year working on? Why or why not?