1. Humanities Introductory Project

Project overview:

Your group will be choosing one aspect of school design—the way it is now, the way it is has been shaped by history, and the way it could be in your ideal school. You will research the issue, options, and then create a presentation explaining your recommendation for the best way to deal with this issue.

Final presentation requirements

  • Multiple perspectives: historical, international, local, stakeholders (who will your proposed changes impact? how might these stakeholders react?)
  • Variety of credible sources: video, newspaper, op/ed pieces, educational theory, original research (e.g. surveys, interviews, observations at Hillsdale)
  • Presentation: all group members talk during presentation


This is a minor assessment, since you will not have a chance to revise it. It is a group grade. Each completed step in the table below is worth five points. Mr. LS, Ms. Lawson, Ms. Press, or Mr. Sigmon will check off the step for points once it is completed satisfactorily.