Afghanistan Outro

Order of operations for Monday

  1. Complete the form to get the shared Syria notetaker document. YOU BETTER CLICK THE CORRECT PERIOD!!! (1 minute)
  2. Complete the Afghanistan feedback form linked here. (5 minutes)
  3. Complete the Afghanistan task listed below with your group. It is due at the end of the period. (44 minutes)

Task: Fix Afghanistan

All of you wrote compellingly about the problem that Afghanistan had. All of you thought deeply about the reason for those problems. Let's move past that and think about how to fix what ails Afghanistan. Complete this project with your group.

Step 1: Revisit your definition of the current situation in Afghanistan. Again, think about the political, economic, and social situations. Get this definition written down somewhere. (Perhaps a shared Google doc?)

Step 2: Look at your definition of the current situation. What are the most pressing problems that need to be solved in Afghanistan? Identify these.

Step 3: Brainstorm solutions to these problems. Explain your solution(s) to these problems in your final product.

Product: Anything you want that shows your learning. Poster, Google preso, Prezi, Google doc: whatever works for your group. Don't waste a lot of time deciding this.