76th CFP



Papers are invited for presentation at the 76th meeting of the Virginia Philosophical Association, to be held at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, Friday, October 9, through Saturday, October 10, 2015.

Papers of no more than 4500 words, with a brief abstract, in doc, docx, rtf, or pdf format, should be prepared for blind review. Email the paper, by July 1, 2015, to Nathaniel Goldberg, goldbergn at wlu dot edu, with the "Subject:" line "VPA Submission."

Commentators will be solicited from those whose papers are not selected. PLEASE indicate whether, if your paper is not selected, you would NOT be interested in commenting.

The meeting runs from Friday afternoon to Saturday lunch time. It is open to professional philosophers and philosophy graduate students from every state and nation. There is no registration fee, nor is there a charge for the banquet on Friday evening.

October is a beautiful time in Richmond. Please join us on the 9th and 10th at VCU!