78th Resolution

I hereby move that the Virginia Philosophical Association, assembled here on the campus of Longwood University on October 28, 2017, adopt the following resolution:

WHEREAS, each of us consented to attending this conference, and in so doing did  not consent directly to the risks involved, but did thereby enhance our autonomy;

WHEREAS, Longwood University has graciously provided us with space and nourishment, which, unlike fundamental properties, may have been simple but were by no means primitive;

WHEREAS, Eric Moore, in so ably organizing this meeting, has discharged his debt of fairness to the VPA, and thus now has the right, which we sincerely hope he will not exercise, to secede;

WHEREAS, the many stimulating talks presented over the last two days have excited much neural activity, without determining, at least in the weak sense, the current states of our brains;

WHEREAS, it is certain that our diegetic objects have included not only many excellent papers but also many excellent sets of comments, even it is uncertain how to demarcate those two;

WHEREAS, On one the one hand, we must have known long ago that we were going to enjoy terrific weather this weekend, since we knew every other possible outcome was highly improbable; on the other hand, we could not have known that we would get such weather, since it, too, was highly improbable, and thus it seems we must just count ourselves lucky;

WHEREAS, it may be sentimental to indulge here in the tender emotion of gratitude, but it would also be priggish for anyone else to point this out;

WHEREAS, Prof Stengl was sadly unable to deliver her keynote address due to laryngitis, and thus the question remains unanswered whether there might be a virtue of self-cultivation, nevertheless we now know what Wittgenstein must have meant when he said, "whereof one cannot speak, one must remain silent";

LET IT THEREFORE BE RESOLVED THAT, the Virginia Philosophical Association expresses its gratitude to Longwood University and all the organizers, speakers, commenters,  and participants in this year's conference.

LET IT FURTHERMORE BE RESOLVED that we do it again next year.