82nd Program

Program for the 82nd Conference 

of the Virginia Philosophical Association 

Friday, October 29th – Saturday, October 30th

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA


Friday, October 29

Hampton-Newport News Room, Webb Center

12:30 Registration


Session One: 

1:00-2:00 “Kant’s Logic in Action”

Will Reckner (University of Richmond)

Commenter: Lori Underwood (Christopher Newport University)


2:10-3:10 “Later Wittgenstein and Truth Deflationism”

Jordi Fairhurst (University of Balearic Islands)

Commenter: Zachary Tabor (Old Dominion University)


3:20-4:20 “Knowing with Certainty”

Andrew Moon (Virginia Commonwealth University)

Commenter: Torrance Fung (Hampden- Sydney College)



---30 Minute Break---


Session Two:

4:50-5:50 “An Interrogation of Patricia Hill Collins’ Account of Western Epistemology”

Jason Barton (University of New Mexico)

Commenter: Lauren Eichler (Old Dominion University)


6:00-7:00 “Gender Identity as Narrative”

Jake Beardsley (William and Mary)

Commenter: Melina Bell  (Washington & Lee)


7:15 Banquet Dinner


8:15-9:15 Banquet Address "Like a corpse rotting in a charnel ground: Extreme metal and meditation as attention-shaping practices"

Bryce Huebner (Georgetown University)




Saturday, October 30

Hampton-Newport News Room, Webb Center

8:30 Registration and Continental Breakfast


Session 3: 

9:00-10:00 “Parity Arguments in Ontology”

Catherine Sutton (Virginia Commonwealth University)

Commenter: Paul Nedelisky (University of Virginia)


10:10-11:10 “To Sōma and the Aisthēsis in Plato’s Phaedo”

Tyler McDowall (Trinity College)

Commenter: Sean Driscoll (University of Richmond)


11:30-12:30 Keynote Lecture 

Dylan Wittkower (Old Dominion University)


12:30-12:45 Resolution of Gratitude and Election of the Secretary of the VPA

1:00 Post- Conference Lunch