82nd Meeting

82nd CFP 

82nd Program 

82nd Hotel and Directions 

Parking Information

The 82nd Meeting of the Virginia Philosophical Association will be a hybrid online/ in-person event. Covid-19 regulations permitting, the in-person component will be held at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. 

*UPDATE AUGUST  26*: Currently, masks are required by all personnel on ODU campus: https://www.odu.edu/news/2021/8/message_from_preside?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=interactive&utm_campaign=HP-Slider#.YSeilS2cbAJ

Virtual Conference Link:  

For those unable to attend in person, virtual conference links will be shared with VPA members one week prior to the conference.  If you would like to attend the 82nd VPA Meeting virtually and do not yet have a link (or would like another sent to you), please email the VPA secretary, Chris Outlaw, coutlaw@nvcc.edu with the subject line "VPA Zoom Request."  You do not have to be a current member of the VPA to attend virtually.  

The conference will include submitted presentations (with commentators) from Friday afternoon through Saturday morning. The conference also includes two invited talks, one of which takes place at the end of the Friday night meal. The meeting concludes with a brief meeting to handle VPA business, followed by the humorously wrought but seriously intended "Resolution of Thanks" to the host institution.

The VPA charges no dues or registration fees for the meeting and ODU will provide an evening meal on Friday.