57th Minutes

The Papers were followed by the Annual Business Meeting

 Minutes of the Business Meeting of the 57th Annual Assemblage of the Virginia Philosophical Association, James Madison University November 8-9, 1996

 President Dorothy Coleman called the meeting to order at 12 noon, November 9, 1996.

 Secretary John Christman read the minutes of the 56th annual meeting, which were approved as read.

 President Coleman noted the large number of submissions (16 in all) for this year's Conference program. Hard choices therefore had to be made concerning which papers to include. This was interpreted as evidence of the good health of the VPA.

 It was announced that the 58th annual VPA will be held at the University of Virginia in October of 1997. Hollins College had extended an invitation to host the 59th annual meeting the following year. For the 60th annual meeting, Christopher Newport University was being consulted.

 It was further noted that the 60th annual meeting was of such momentous importance in the history of the VPA that some special arrangements should be considered.

 It was announced that a table at the Eastern Division APA will again be sponsored by the VPA.

 Secretary Christman announced that the VPA now existed in cyberspace. The web page for the VPA, still under construction, was located at http://server.phil.vt.edu/johnc/classes/vpa.html

 Secretary Christman will maintain the page. It will contain announcements, an archive of VPA materials, and the e-mail addresses of philosophers in Virginia. And although use will be made of e-mail communication, business will continue to be conducted via traditional modes of communication as well.

The question was raised about whether a listserv should be set up for VPA members. There was, in general, a positive response to this suggestion and it was decided that such a listserv will be set up. Secretary Christman agreed to undertake this task.

Secretary Christman read a statement of commemoration for David James, who died on May 8, 1996. A moment of silence followed.

 Peter Vallentyne, chair of the Nominations Committee, presented the nominees for the new officers of the VPA. He also vouched for their credentials. The following slate of officers was unanimously approved: 

President, Richard Beauchamp, Christopher Newport University; Vice President, John Christman VPI&SU; Secretary, Dan Flage, James Madison University.

 President Coleman opened the floor for other announcements. Alan Fuchs suggested that the listerv could be used to disseminate information about speakers and colloquia around the state. Peter Vallentyne then suggested that there be two listervs, one for announcements and the other for general philosophical discussion.

 Peter Vallentyne suggested ways to urge greater student participation. He suggested that Department Chairs be urged to fund travel for students to future VPA's. A motion to write a letter urging Department Chairs to fund such travel was made, seconded and passed unanimously.

 Next was discussed the question of whether there was an official procedure to gain membership to the VPA. After discussion, it was moved and seconded that all those attending the VPA and whose name appears on our guest list (or whose name is put on our list by someone attending) can be brought before the business meeting and inducted into the VPA.

 Patrick Croskery, interim representative of the Gratitude Committee, read the Resolution of Thanks expressing the Association's appreciation and gratitude to James Madison University for its hospitality (see below). The resolution was adopted by universal acclaim.

 There being no further business, the meeting was then turned over to the new President, Richard Beauchamp, who adjourned the meeting.

 Respectfully Submitted, John Christman, Secretary