68th Program

Program for the 2007 meeting of the Virginia Philosophical Association

26-27 October, Virginia Wesleyan College

Norfolk, VA


Friday 2:00 registration 

2:30 Steve Daskal, Virginia Tech "Nozick's Libertarianism and U. S. Welfare Policy" 

3:15 Elizabeth Fenton, University of Virginia "Overlapping Consensus and Human Rights" 

4:10 William Brenner, Old Dominion University "D. Z. Phillips' Wittgensteinian Philosophy of Religion" 

5:00 Invited speaker: Alan Goldman, College of William & Mary "Desires and Reasons" 

6:00 reception 

7:00 dinner 

8:30 Invited speaker: James Klagge, Virginia Tech "Philosophy and Life." 

Saturday 8:30 coffee and snacks 

9:00 Steven W. Patterson, Marygrove College "Religious Reasons in the Public Sphere" 

9:45 Sam Duncan, University of Virginia "The Case Against Giftedness: A Critique of Sandel on Enhancement" 

10:30 break 

10:45 James E. Mahon, Washington and Lee University "Foot, Thomson, and the Trolley Problem" 

Short business meeting to follow.