Latest Update from VX
Post date: Oct 29, 2013 3:18:14 PM
Hi guys, we have not updated here for a while, here are some updates from us:
- VXCON 2013 On Fire
We have invited two Russian security researchers to provide Crypto and Binary Reverse Engineering workshop, please register as soon as possible, the fee is 2500 HKD per head! Only 13 seats are available (29 Oct)
- Post-Swoden Response
OGCIO from Hong Kong government has invited us to be one of the attendees to advise on cyber security in their Information security round table meeting. During the meeting, our security researcher has expressed opinions over education, detection and APT attack. Afterwards, there are follow up works are now in progress with OGCIO.
- Operation "Saving Private Record"
We have submitted another batch of leaked privacy data to PCO (, it shows that many organizations have made somewhat efforts on privacy leak out. But we keep working on it regularly.
- Ongoing Research
Several research operations in APT, software security and forensics are in progress :-)
- Conference
Several VX bros incuding MT, Avenir and Leng have presented in Blackhat USA 2013, DEFCON 21 and coming Pacsec Japan in Tokyo (Nov 2013), salute and respect on their work and passion
Ran2 and 0xDF will present APT research in Singapore in March 2014.
- Media exposure
Express corporate and personal security advice and comment over existing traveling alert system from Security Bureau; Express expert opinion over Swoden's statement and claim in RTHK and TVB; Involved in News Magazine's Cyber security programme from TVB.