
Baunfree, Bán Fraoich, bawn of the heather. Area 232 acres.

This district slopes from the west at 220’ to an old disused burial ground on Kilmacoliver hill at height 850’. A subdivision is called Knockadroulan of obscure meaning. There in a circular enclosure on hop of Baunfree hill known as Ráth Chiaráin, Ciarán’s rath. Sceach no Cúntaise, the countess’s sceach, is recorded in Carrigan’s Notes. Two ancient and wonderfully preserved crosses richly carved and complete with capstone stand at the bottom of the hill in Kilclisheen churchyard in Co. Tipperary. They are described in detail in the High Crosses of Ossory by Miss Helen Roe, M.A., published in 1959 at the request of Kilkenny Archaeological Society.