
Welcome to Tullahought (Tulach Dhocht) The Village of the Difficult Hill (Kilkennys Tidiest Village)

Tullahought is located in South West Kilkenny on the Tipperary border almost twenty miles from Kilkenny, Waterford and Clonmel. The village is set in rolling countryside and is rich in features. Overlooked from the higest point at the standing stones on Baunfree Hill 3.000b.c it includes historic, industrial, sporting and cultural items and walks for the visitor.

Tullahought Heritage Week 2022 With the lifting of Corona Virus restrictions Heritage Week 2022 returned to its live events format while retaining an online presence. Our contribution was centered around the opening of the Kilmacoliver Loop Walk Extension by Heritage Minister Malcolm Noonan, we also produced a YouTube video about the walk "https://youtu.be/9VlbFJn4chg Walking Through Time-A Historic Look at the Kilmacoliver Loop Walk" This supplements our Heritage Award winning videos of 2020 and 2021 "https://youtu.be/XeC9wayFR9g Tullahought Church-Inside Out & Upside Down" and "https://youtu.be/ejL6V6qXJAg Back to the Past-Valuing Water in the Community"

Tullahought retains its Silver medal in 2022:

The 2022 results brought eleven additional points to Tullahought and increased the points total to 356 points. The result saw the village retaining its place on the National Roll of Honor with a Silver Medal win for the sixth consecutive year. The village also won the Pollinator Award for Small Towns in the South East Region, It also retained the title of the tidiest village in County Kilkenny. The results see Tullahought in third place in the County behind Kilkenny City and Inistioge.

The results are a culmination of of the past thirty one years efforts that have seen the Village rise from the bottom of the pile to secure National Awards in the form of a 4 Bronze Medals followed by six Silver Medals while also collecting a Value Water Award in 2017 and Pollinator Awards in 2018 , 2019'and 2022.

To Read the 2022 report click here https://tidytowns.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/u_reports/2022/kilkenny/2022-Kilkenny-Tullahought-404.pdf For all of the previous Results go to the Tidy Towns Story Link on this site and scroll to the end of the page.

November 2022:

This has village been our 31st year of participation in the Tidy Towns Competition since it was entered in the competition by Fr. Robert Raftice in 1991. The 2020 competition was cancelled due to restrictions introduced to combat the Corona Pandemic.

In County Kilkenny, theres none to compete,With the old folk thats living in Tullahought street;............."Here's health to that village- surrounded by tillageThe old and the young folk are pleasent to meetLike birds of a feather they all flock together,And all nestle down in that cosy old street. Val D Coghlan Circa 1920

Planned Work Schedule 2022


Surfacing of Village Car Parks

Erection of Nativity scenes for Christmas period

Creation of Famine memorial featuring Famine Pot