Scéal 2022

Activities in Tullahought for 2022 commenced with the review of the 2021 results that saw an increase of seven points and the retention of our Silver Medal and the "Tidiest Village in Kilkenny" title. Following regular meetings in the run up to the end of the year a plan of additional activities was drawn up that included.

    • On-going survey of the field names of the towns lands of Poulrone and Kilmacoliver to complement the field names survey for the towns lands of Tullahought and Knockeen.

    • Extension of Kilmacoliver Loop Walk

    • Provision of wheelchair accessible picnic table at Wildlife Ponds.

    • The creation of a number of Wildlife areas

Elsewhere other major highlights saw

    • The painting of a large number of residences in the village

    • 2012 Litter Pickers gather for the Annual Clean that covers nine miles of roards out to the five village fingerposts and onto the adjoining main roads

        • 2012 October Bank Holiday Weekend Graveyard Clean up done and dusted