Bits and Bobs

Tullahought Badminton Club

Founded in 1975 the Club is the holder of 4 All Ireland Championships and numerous Provincial, County, Team and Individual titles. Now playing out of the Parish hall in Windgap they won their National Titles as follows.

1995: Division 3, 1998: Division 3, 2002: Division 2, 2006 Division.


A towns-land in the area was used as the name of a horse by Joe Crowley that went on to win the Cheltenham Gold Cup. Bregawn ridden by Graham Bradley and trained by Michael Dickenson had been second in the Gold Cup the previous season. In the 1983 contest, he made all the running and then battled on up the hill to hold off his challengers. A Bronze Age Burial Cist was discovered in the towns land in 2022
