Awards to Date

2003 Professor David Bellamy has presented awards to two Kilkenny communities who have been rewarded for their work in the environment. One of the ESB's Community Environment Awards for 2003 went to Tullahought for the development of a wildlife lake just outside the village which is now home to a variety of wildlife and which is fed by three natural springs.

In addition, the residents of Coon received an award for an audit they carried out of the animals and plants in their area, following the Tidy Towns competition last year.

Eamon Doyle recieving the award from David Bellamy

2004 Kilkenny Pride in Place Awards Ceremony 2004 in Graiguenamanagh or Freshford. Representatives from winning communities – Inistioge Tidy Towns, Tullahought Community Development, Keep Kilkenny Beautiful. Representatives from Kilkenny County Council & Barrow Nore Suir Rural Development.

2005 Vodafone and Conservation Volunteers Irish Nature Fund Award.

2012 Tidy Towns Bronze Medal Awarded to the Village for the first time in our participation in the event.

2013 Tidy Towns Bronze Medal Retained for the Village. Commended Award for Co. Kilkenny.

2014 Tidy Towns Bronze Medal Retained for the Village. Commended Award for Co. Kilkenny.

2015 Completion of Four in a row of Tidy Towns Bronze Medal Awards for Tullahought. Commended Award for Co. Kilkenny.

2016 Tidy Towns Silver Medal Awarded to Tullahought for the first time. Commended Award for Co. Kilkenny.

2017 Tidy Towns Silver Medal Retained for the Village. Commended Award for Co. Kilkenny.

Tidy Towns Special Value Water Award won by Tullahought Village.

2018 Completion of Three in a row of Tidy Towns Silver Medal Awards for Tullahought. Commended Award for Co. Kilkenny.

Tidy Towns Pollinator Award for small towns in the South East Region won by Tullahought Village.

Tullahought representatives, Paddy and Mary Egan recognised as SuperValu Tidy Towns Community Heroes.

2019 Fourth Silver Medal awarded to Tullahought Commended Award for Co. Kilkenny.

Pollinator Award for small towns in the South East Region retained by Tullahought Village.