Quern Stones

Forever turning till setting sun,

With tireless toil and singing songs,

Flour softly falling to the ground,

To make the meal for hungry ones.

This selection of Quern Stones from the locality located at the wildlife ponds were used in former times to mill corn by hand. The dried grain was fed in through the centre hole and the top stone was turned with a wooden handle. This work was usually carried out by the woman of the house and the ground corn was used to make "praipín" a coarse porridge or bread.

In the shade of Slievenamon,

Earnest and proud, the women mill,

Hand slowly feeding in the corn,

The open mouthed quern to fill.

Gaelic verse and English translation by Ruth Lavelle

Ag síor-mheilt ó dhubh go dhubh,

Le fuínneamh, láidreacht is le foinn,

Caisgín muilinn ag leathadh ar lár,

Gothú treibhe is práipín.

Faoi amharc airdeallach Shliabh na mBan,

Mná ag meilt le díograis is bród,

An t-arbhar ag sileadh go sibileach ó lámh,

Go hoscailt chuachach na gclochbhrón.